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To be said or sung by the Infant Princess.

A stands for Aristocracy, a thing I should admire;

B stands for a Bishop, who is cloth'd in soft attire;

'C beginneth Cabinet, where Mamma keeps her tools;

'D doth stand for Downing-street, the "Paradise of Fools;"

'E beginneth England, that granteth the supplies;

F doth stand for Foreigners, whom I should patronize;

G doth stand for Gold—good gold!—for which man freedom barters;

H beginneth Honors—that is, ribbons, stars, and garters;

'I stands for my Income (several thousand pounds per ann.);

J stands for Johnny Bull, a soft and easy kind of man;

K beginneth King, who rules the land by "right divine;"

L's for Mrs. Lilly, who was once a nurse of mine.

M beginneth Melbourne, who rules the roast and State;

N stands for a Nobleman, who's always good and great.

O is for the Opera, that I should only grace;

P stands for the Pension List, for "servants out of place."

Q's the Quarter's Salary, for which true patriots long;

R's for Mrs. Ratsey, who taught me this pretty song;

S stands for the Speech, which Mammy learns to say;

T doth stand for Taxes, which the people ought to pay;

U's for the Union Workhouse, which horrid paupers shun;

V is for Victoria, "the Bess of forty-one;"

W stands for War, the "noble game" which Monarchs play;

X is for the Treble X—Lilly drank three times a day;

And Y Z's for the Wise Heads, who admire all I say.