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(Exaudi nos, Deus, &c.)

Hear us, God of our salvation ; and deliver Thy people from the terrors of divine anger, and make them secure by the bountifulness of Thy mercy ; through, &c.


Almighty and everlasting God, Who hast compassion on all, and wouldst not that any should perish ; favorably look down upon all those who are seduced by the deceit of Satan ; that all heretical impiety being removed, the hearts of such as err may repent, and return to the unity of Thy truth ; through, &c.


Almighty and Everlasting God, Who repellest not from Thy mercy even the perfidious Jews; hear the prayer which we offer for the blindness of that people ; that the light of Thy truth, Christ our Lord, being known to them, they may be delivered from their darkness ; through, &c.


Almighty and Everlasting God, Who desirest not the death but the life of sinners; mercifully accept our prayers, and, delivering