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As He spoke to our fathers: to Abraham and his seed forever.

Glory be to the Father, &c.

Here follow the proper Collect, and the Commemorations, if any; after which one of the Antiphons of the Blessed Virgin is sung, as at page 63.

[N. B. — The Psalms hitherto given, are sung on Sundays when the Vespers are those of the Sunday. When the Vespers are those of a Saint, d-c, some changes are made, which we shall now indicate, observing that when only one Psalm is given, as the last Psalm, the others are the same as on Sundays.]


First Vespers.

Psalms as on Sundays, with the exception of the last, for which Psalm cxvi., Laudate Dominum, is used, as follows:

Psalm cxvi. Laudate Dominium.

Praise the Lord, all ye
gentiles: praise Him, all ye

For His mercy is confirmed upon us: and the
truth of the Lord endureth