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Psalm cxxv. In convertendo.

When the Lord turned
again the captivity of Sion:
we became like men that
are comforted:

Then was our mouth filled with gladness: and our
tongue with joy.

Then shall they say
among the gentiles: The
Lord hath done great things
for them.

The Lord hath done great
things for us: we are become very joyful.

Turn again our captivity,
Lord: as a river in the

They that sow in tears:
shall reap in joy.

Going on their way, they
went and wept: scattering
their seed.

But returning, they shall
come with joyfulness: bringing their sheaves with them.

Psalm cxxxviii. Domine, probasti.

Lord, Thou hast proved
me, and known me: Thou
hast known my sitting down
and my rising up.

Thou hast understood my
thoughts long before: my