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shall be as light as the
day: the darkness thereof
and the light thereof are
alike to Thee.

For Thou hast possessed
my reins: Thou hast holpen me from my mother's

I will praise Thee, for
Thou art fearfully magnified: marvellous are Thy
works, and my soul knoweth them right well.

My bones are not hid
from Thee, which Thou
didst fashion in secret: and
my substance in the lower
parts of the earth.

Thine eyes did see my
imperfect being, and in
Thy book shall all men be
written: day by day shall
they be formed, while yet
there is no one.

But to me Thy friends,
God, are made exceedingly
honorable: most firmly is
their dominion established.

I will tell them, and they
shall be more in number
than the sand: I have
risen up, and am still with

Wilt Thou not slay the
wicked, God: ye men of
blood, depart from me: