Page:Pyrotechnics the history and art of firework making (1922).djvu/293

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Oil of Benedict, 140

" petre, 140

" spike, 140

" tile, 140

"Old Bull and Bush," 53

Opening charge, 97

Opus Majus, 14

Orange, Prince of, 27

Order in Council, 69, 74, 78

Orleans, 42, 158

Orpiment, 11, 139, 140

"Out," 11

Oxide of iron, magnetic, 141

" mineral, 146

Oxymuriate of potash, 144

Paduans, 158

Palm tree, 127

Paper cone, 108

Paris, 20, 21, 28, 42

" accident, 83

" Exhibition, Visit of Queen Victoria, 43

Park, Green, 28, 40, 41, 43, 112

" Hyde, 40, 41, 43

" St. James's, 30, 41

" Victoria, 43

Parkes, Samuel, 144

Parlby's rockets, 161

Paste, 106

Pasting in, 129

Pataka, 10

Patent Office Abridgements, 165

Pates d'oie, 127

Peace, 1783, 28

" 1814, 40

" 1802, 39

" Crimean War, 43

" display, Hyde Park, 56

Pedro Don, 41

Pegging, 129

Pepys, 27, 92

Percussion caps, 67

Perkins, Jacob, 165

Persia, Shah of, 53

Petard, 92, 112

Petre, Bengal, 136

" German, 136

" Oil of, 140

Petroleum, 106

Philadelphia Centennial Exposition, 55

Philippe, Don, of Spain, 21

Philosophical fireworks, 37

Philostratus, 6

Phosphide of calcium, 153

Pian-King Lo Yang, 7

Pickford, Mary, 50

Picrate of potash, 96

Piece, Mechanical, 53

" Carpet, 127

" Transformation set, 50

Pieces, Classification of, 126

" Set, 47, 112

Piercing, 129

Pilot signal, 175

Pin wheel, 118

Pipes, Match, 125

Pitch, 140, 156

Place Royal, 20

Pleasure gardens, 31, 32

Pleissenburg, 23

Ploughing by explosives, 179

Poison gas, 156

" smoke, Rat, 178

Pompeii, Destruction of, 50

Pont-Andemer, 158

Port Arthur, 49

Portfire, 105, 106, 119

Portsmouth fleet display, 45

Portugal, King of, 55

Postdown Fair, 32

Pot, Flower, 97, 98, 99

Potash, Chlorate of, 10, 74, 77, 84, 85, 86, 87

Pots à feu, 111

" d'aigrettes, 111

" de brins, 111

Powder, 97, 99, 103, 106, 114, 140

Practicus, 149

Pretender, Old, 27

Priming powder, 106

" wet, 119

Primrose Hill, 43

Projectile, 5

Propellant charge, 87

Pumice Stone, 146

Pump (Star), 72

Pumps with stars, 28, 112, 113

Puzzle pictures, 51

Pyramids, 30

Pyrotechnia, 26

Pyrotechnic compositions, 138