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that in obedience to their law of similars, they cure diseases by using such articles as would produce the like symptoms if given to healthy persons; and that the preparations which they employ to cure the sick, would actually produce the same; or similar, effects in healthy persons, they aver has been abundantly proved by the experiments of Hahnemann and his followers. Let us see how this is. A man has inflammatory rheumatism—his homœopathic doctor gives him forty pellets of the thirtieth attenuation of aconite, and directs him to take two at a time twice a day, which would last ten days. His child gets them, and finding they are sweet, swallows them all at a dose. Now if there were any truth in Homœopathy, this child must have rheumatism, or a similar affection, severely, so that there would in that event be two cases of rheumatism instead of one in the same family. But the pellets are found to have no effect at all upon the child, thus proving the falsity of their doctrines and the inefficiency of their medicines at the same time. Instances of this kind are almost of daily occurrence in homœopathic practice; but