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conform their practice strictly to homœopathic rules, but a much larger class are such as Hahnemann denounced as mongrels, who sometimes employ infinitesimals, and sometimes dangerous doses of the most powerful poisons; and in this respect each individual practitioner follows the dictates of his own fancy, without any true principles or knowledge for his guide—because the study of Homœopathy will no more qualify a man for the practice of rational medicine, than the study of necromancy will qualify one for practical navigation. But whatever is done in the name and under the cloak of Homœopathy, is allowed by its advocates to be right.

We have seen that Hahnemann positively forbids the employment of more than one article at or near the same time, in the same disease, and that that single medicine should not be repeated oftener than once in six, eight, twelve, or twenty-four hours, and sometimes only once in three, six, or eight days. Now let us see how these positive rules compare with the homœopathic practice of the present time. If you look into a sick room now under such management, you will