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scribe the particular means by which this moral renovation is to be effected. It is to be done by homœopathic medication, but the particulars are left to the faculty. For the best means to be used for this purpose, we are indebted to Dr. Mure, of whom I have before spoken as president of the homœopathic school at Rio de Janeiro. In a work of his, called " Pathogenesie," he devotes twelve pages to the consideration of this subject, and announces, as he says, "with a feeling of inward satisfaction," that he has discovered a new and grand specific for hereditary psora. He proceeds to say, "It is unnecessary to describe at length this remedy, the animal being sufficiently known, viz., Pediculus Capitis, or human louse." This animal is to be dynamized with sugar of milk, and administered in the form of small white powders, or used in fluid attenuations as the practitioner may prefer.

The astounding absurdity of this scheme is without a parallel, and we scarcely know whether it most deserves censure or ridicule. Such a plan probably never before entered into the thoughts of any sane man. If ever the sublime