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dence of their knowledge of the deep mysteries of Indian medicine. But the insatiable cupidity of the Yankee would not long allow the colored race the sole enjoyment of so profitable a field. Indian Syrups, Indian Balsams, Indian Pills, and numerous other so-called Indian remedies, were contrived and manufactured by peculent white men—foisted upon the public and readily sold. The bait, glossed over with Indian varnish, was readily swallowed. The silly purchasers supposed they were taking nothing but genuine Indian preparations, whilst the proprietors were themselves astonished and delighted at the success of their nefarious rpoductions, and the press for ample pecuniary consideration has been brought to lend its aid to confirm the falsehood and sanctify the fraud. The honest Indian scorns all these schemes, and is never found among the motley crew of Indian doctors. It is made up not of genuine Indians, but of negroes, mulattoes, and, meanest of all, some white men, who have stolen the Indian livery for their own unhallowed purposes. Perhaps these miscreants may sometimes be found to possess some smattering of