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rance and darkness until he came, and that Psora, or the common Itch, was the parent of nearly all chronic diseases. And now the advocates of Chrono-Thermalism tell us that the medical world was in thick darkness until Dickson came, and informed mankind that the human race is liable to only one disease, and that disease is always Ague, or Intermittent Fever.

Like every other species of quackery, Chrono-Thermalism boasts loudly of its unparalleled success, sets up the most dismal howlings against the regular profession, and declares that not many years will pass away ere the doctrine and practice of Chrono-Thermalism will become the dominant system throughout the civilized world. It asserts that if the regular faculty shall refuse to adopt their principles, it will be weighed in the scales of an enlightened and advanced public sentiment and found wanting, and that Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin, will be written upon their college walls. If we may believe them, they have cast down their rod and it has become a, serpent, which like Aaron's of old is to swallow up all others. But, judging from present appear-