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have given it a sufficient number of shakes, then every drop of that ocean is more than a million times as strong as the thirtieth attenuation; and yet, according to homœopathic rules, in order to give it sufficient dynamic power, one drop from this ocean would require further attenuation by being mixed with the waters of millions and millions of other oceans. The whole quantity required to attenuate a single drop of any fluid to the thirtieth degree, would be more than sufficient to fill the orbit of Saturn, to blot out the sun and quench the stars.

If it be thought that these statements are extravagant and untrue, any one may make the calculation for himself, or get any competent mathematician to do it. But if the thirtieth attenuation creates so much surprise, what shall be thought of the two thousandth? Hahnemann once, at least, according to his own statement, carried the process thus far; but no mathematician has ever undertaken to give the result of a dilution of a single drop to that extent. No one has ever dared to attempt the computation—the whole universe would be quite too little,