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"Teeth.— Toothache drawing-tearing, or contractive, or gnawing or bubbling, excited by cold, warm, and salt things. Chronic looseness of the teeth. The gums are sore, suppurate, and recede from the teeth. Bleeding of the gums and teeth.

"Mouth.—Stomacace. Heat and dryness or flow of water in the mouth. Rough mouth and tongue. The tongue is sore and difficult to be moved.

"Throat.—Sore throat, as if swollen internally. The fauces feel constricted, with impeded deglutition. Smarting, scraping and burning in the fauces, throat and palate. Sore pain in the throat when coughing, blowing one's nose and swallowing. Œsophagitis. A good deal of mucus in the throat which is easily hawked up. Sore throat, after measles.

"Appetite and Taste.—Bitter taste. Salt taste in the mouth and of the food. Loss of appetite. Chronic aversion to meat, butter and grease. Desire for salt and sweet things. After eating, especially after milk, considerable distention, acidity in the mouth and sour eructations. Sweat when eating. Very much heated by drinking wine. Confusion of the head and pressure at the stomach, after eating. Excessive desire for coffee. Excessive hunger and thirst