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Pain in the lower abdomen brought on by a strain while lifting. Pinching in the abdomen, shifting from the left to the right side, with lame feeling in the thigh. A good deal of flatulence. Crampy flatulent colic, also at night. Incarcerated flatulence. Rumbling and fermentation in the abdomen. Excessive fetid flatulence. The distress from flatulence comes on again after eating ever so little. Hæmorrhoidal colic.

"Catarrhal Symptoms.—Stoppage of the nose, or discharge of water, without catarrh. Violent catarrh, with hoarseness and roughness of the chest, tingling in the nose, with ineffectual desire to sneeze.

"Windpipe.—Continual hoarseness and roughness. Morning or evening hoarseness aggravated by talking. Catarrh and sore throat during measles. Tracheitis, with tightness of the chest. Laryngeal and tracheal phthisis. Dry catarrh, with hoarseness and rawness of the chest. Cough, with titillation in the throat, or with raw and sore feeling in the chest. Spasmodic cough, also with choking and vomiting, three or four paroxysms a day, or in the evening, continuing a long time. Cough in the evening, before going to bed and in bed. Cough after the least cold. Painful stitches through the head, when coughing. Cough with expectoration of green mucus