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told that the medicine is expected to produce marked effects upon him, and is requested carefully to note down all his symptoms and feelings. Every physical, intellectual and moral phenomenon that occurs in any such individual, after he swallows the attenuation, is considered as the positive effect of the medicine. If his face is flushed, the medicine has produced it—if he is inclined to sleep, the medicine has produced it—if he dreams, it is the medicine—if he is cold, it is the medicine—if he is warm, it is the medicine—if he is timid, it is the medicine—if he is courageous, it is the medicine—if his head, or eyes, or ears, or teeth, or limbs, ache, or if he laughs, or cries, or whatever else takes place in his person or feelings, it has been produced by the medicine. These are homœopathic Provings, and by such means they ascertain by experience that the decillionth of a grain of chalk will "make the hair fall out"—produce "pressure in the eyes, polypus in the ear, redness of the nose, yellowness of the complexion, eruptions on the lips, toothache, dry tongue, aversion to smoking, desire for wine, swelling of the stomach