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gonorrhoea? Priapisnms?; Impotence; Dysmenorrhea; Amenorrhea; Dysmenia in young girls; Sterility, with too early and too profuse catamenia?; Leucorrhœa; Catarrh; Phthisical complaints; Diseases of the heart?; Goitre; Panaritia; Suppression of foot sweat, &c. &c."

If the homœopathic doctor is an honest man, each of the powders contains, as he supposes, one decillionth of a grain of common salt. The patient has used salt, ad libitum, with his food, all his life, and may sometimes have swallowed an ounce in a day without any marked effects; but now he is to take one decillionth of a grain every four or six hours, to cure him of rheumatism. The bulk of these powders is sugar made from milk or whey; and whether they contain anything else, no person in the world, except the one who furnished the doctor with the article, can tell. How large a globule would a decillionth of a grain of common salt make? Placed upon a smooth surface, it could not be perceived by the touch, and it would not be visible to the eye, even with the aid of a powerful microscope.

Hahnemann manifested a fondness for mineral