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excitement, with sleeplessness; Chronic rheumatic and arthritic affections; Phlegmonous inflammations; Lymphatic tumors; Scrofulous and rachitic affections also with enlargement of the head, and slow closing up of the fontanelle; Obstruction, inflammation, induration and ulceration of the glands; Inflammation, softening, ulceration and other diseases of the bones; Abscess; Scirrhous induration; Ulcers, almost of all kinds, especially in squalid, cachectic persons, and those who are addicted to spirituous drinks; Scrofulous, mercurial and scorbutic ulcers; Cancerous ulcers; Hydarthra?; Hysteria; Megrim: Vertigo; Scald-head; Falling off of the hair in consequence of acute diseases; Fungus hæmatodes in the eye; Ulcers on the cornea; Cataract; Amblyopia amaurotica; Hardness of hearing; Cancer in the lips; Fever during dentition; Bulimy, pituita in the stomach, gastralgia, dyspepsia, and other gastric affections; Hepatic abscess; Vermiculous affections, especially in scrofulous subjects; Chronic gonorrhœa; Hydrocele, especially in scrofulous subjects; Excoriated mammæ; Ulceration and also cancerous affections of the mammæ; Chronic coryza and obstinate disposition to take cold in the head; Phthisical sufferings; Inflammatory swelling of the knee; Panaritium; Paralysis of the hands, also in leprous subjects; &c. &c."