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well-known small globules, which were generally impregnated with the 30th dilution, both for acute and chronic diseases. . . . . . He latterly employed olfaction very frequently. For this end he put one or two globules in a small medicine phial, containing two drachms of alcohol, mixed with an equal quantity of water, which he caused to be inhaled once or twice with each nostril—never oftener. My own wife (says Dr. Crosiero) was cured by him in this manner of a violent pleurisy, in the course of five hours. In chronic diseases, happen what might, he never allowed this olfaction to be repeated oftener than once a week. And he gave besides, for internal use, nothing but plain milk-sugar. And in this manner he effected the most marvellous cures, even in cases in which the rest of us had been able to do nothing.'

"According to Hahnemann, even the olfaction or smelling of substances, which have no smell, may produce immediately direct and decided therapeutic effects. 'If,' says he, a grain of gold leaf be triturated strongly for an hour in a porcelain mortar with one hundred grains of sugar of milk, the powder that results (the first trituration) possesses a considerable amount of medicinal power. If a grain of this powder be triturated as strongly and as long with ano-