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model. Such are the considerations which induce many intelligent persons to try this kind of medical practice. They are assured that the medicine is powerful to cure, but always perfectly safe, and can never do the least harm. It is easy to take, and subjects the patient to no inconvenience. If true, it is the kind of medication which every one would choose. The patient has neither the time nor the means of examining the principles of the proposed method; but believing it to be something new, he concludes, of course, that it must be an improvement upon all former methods. Here is where the mistake is made—instead of being new, Homœopathy is at least half a century old; and instead of being an improvement known only to homœopathists, the whole has long been known, examined, tried and rejected by all competent judges throughout the world. It is not a system founded upon actual discoveries, for its originator never made a single new discovery; on the contrary, every particle of knowledge which its practitioners possess (when they have any at all) has been derived wholly from that system of rational