Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 28.djvu/347

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three widely separated localities, Mount Wyatt, Canoona, and the Broken River, and refers them all to one form, Leptophloeum rhombicum, previously described by Dawson as occurring in the Upper Devonian series of Canada.

At Mount Wyatt the plant-beds are interstratified with strata containing Spirifers &c. ; and as these are fully described in the

Fig. 11. — Section of Devonian Strata, Corporation Quarry, Rockhampton. (On the left is a dyke of dolerite traversing the Quarry at right angles to the strike of the sedimentary rocks.)

Appendices attached to this paper, no further mention of them is required here.

From various shafts sunk through the " Devonian " rocks of the Gympie mining- district, a well-preserved fauna has been collected.

Mr. Etheridge's determinations of these furnish the following list of species : —

Euomphalus, sp.

Spirifera undifera, var. undulata, Rom. Pl. XVI. figs. 3, 4, 5.

— — ubia, Eth. Pl. XVI. fig. 6.

— — vespertilio, Sow. Pl. XVI. fig. 2.

Edmondia obovata, Eth. Pl. XIII. fig. 3.

— — concentrica, Eth. Pl. XIII. fig. 2.

Pleurotomaria carinata, Sow. Pl. XV. fig. 6.

Aviculopecten multiradiatus, Eth. Pl. XIII. fig. 1.

— — limaeformis, Morris. Pl. XIV. fig. 1.

Ceriopora laxa, Eth. Pl. XXV. fig. 2.

Fenestella fossula, Lonsd. Pl. XXV. fig. 1.

Strophomena rhomboidalis, var. analoga, Phill. Pl. XVIII. fig. L

At the Lucky-Valley diggings and at Apis Creek, near the Apis Creek homestead, peculiar casts of encrinital stems, probably belonging to the genus Actinocrinus, occur in a lydianized slate. The strike