Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 33.djvu/632

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The following remains belonging to Professor O'Reilly's collection I have been enabled to identify.

Elephas Primigenius.

1. A portion of a mandible containing the sockets of two molars on either side. The descending ramus and coronoid process, with the diasteme and portions of the alveoli, are deficient. The jaw is evidently that of a young elephant, and probably belonged to the owner of the following molars. It has the round oval chin of the Mammoth.

There are a few laminations of tusks, but of no use for descriptive purposes.

2. A right upper first true molar, about half-worn. It is entire excepting the loss of the tips of the fangs. There is a broad pressure-mark, or hollow, of the advancing tooth behind. The crown holds 12 plates and 2 talons in a length of 5 inches. The maximum breadth of crown is 2⋅3 inches.

The enamel of the plates is thicker than usually observed in Arctic specimens, and in that respect is more like mammoths' teeth from the brick-earth of the Thames valley. There is, moreover, a greater roughening of the outer surface of the enamel, which on the worn disk produces a faint crimping not generally observed in northern specimens; otherwise the tooth is un distinguishable from the same molar of the mammoth.

3. Two fragments of germ molars:—

a. A fragment of an upper tooth, holding 8–9 posterior ridges, including a broad, flat, digitated talon. The plates are of precisely the same character as in the preceding tooth, but longer and broader.

b. Three plates and posterior talon of a similar tooth to a, and most probably the fellow of the opposite maxilla. These two fragments are probably portions of the second or successional molars of the same individual as the owner of the first true molar and the above mandible.

4. a. A left os innominatum of a young elephant, the unions of the three elements being unankylosed. There is a loss of only a portion of the posterior aspect of the ilium and distal extremities of the ischium and pubis. The contour of the thyroid foramen is nearly entire, showing the narrow upper portion which characterizes this opening in the Mammoth and Asiatic elephant as compared with that of E. africanus. The obturator notch is also broader than in the latter. The bone has altogether the character of the same part of the Mammoth. The acetabulum is 16 centimetres in diameter by 8 centimetres in depth.

b. Fragment of the ischium, right side, probably of the same individual as the owner of a.

5. a. Portion of a left femur two feet in length extending from behind the great trochanter to the condyles. The bone has the slender character of the thigh-bone of the Mammoth, agreeing, moreover,