Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 33.djvu/95

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AUSTRALIAN CAINOZOIC (TERTIARY) DEPOSITS. 65 of the same course of study. The affinities of this Psammechinus with small tubercles are with its congeners Echinus angulosus and E. magellanicus. Paradoxechinfs novus, Laube. This I believe to be a badly grown Temnechinus allied to T. line- atus, nobis, from the Australian Tertiaries. Temnechinus lineatus, nobis. This genus, so familiar to British palaeontologists, as being found represented by species in our Tertiaries, has lasted to Recent times, and one species occurs in the Australian Cainozoic deposits. Tem- nechinus maculatus, formerly Goniociclaris maculatus, A. Agassiz, is found at from 30 to 100 fathoms in the American seas, and is not without its affinities with the Australian fossil. These are generic only ; but the changes which occur in the ornamentation of this living species during its growth are sufficient to explain the impossibility of making accurate and arbitrary diagnoses. A. Agassiz notices the presence of Temnechinus in the Nummulitic of Scinde, under the guise of Temnopleurus or Opechinus. The affinities of this Australian form are therefore remotely with the Nummulitic forms to the north, and with the recent species in the Atlantic and the Crag forms. EcHINARACHNTUS PARMA, Gray. This ubiquitous species belongs to the recent faunas of both sides of the North-American area, and is found to the north of China and in the Australian seas. This vast horizontal range is in keeping with the fact of its being found in these Australian Cainozoic de- posits ; so that the form has no inconsiderable age. The other recent species are from California, Kamtschatka, and Japan. There is a fossil Echhiarachnius which was collected by Mr. C. Darwin in the Tertiary deposits of Port St.* Julien, Patagonia. It was described by Desor, and named by him E. juliensis. The periproct, in this instance, he states, is inframarginal and not mar- ginal ; and the shape is discoid and flat like that of E. parma. The position of the anus depends on the stage of growth, and is not a specific distinction ; and therefore it is as well to absorb Desor's species. Nevertheless the fact of the discovery in Patagonia is exceedingly interesting. EcHINANTHUS TESTUDINARIUS, Gray. This species is also found in the recent fauna of the Red Sea, Borneo, Australia, Sandwich Islands, Japan, and California. The fossil specimen is large and very Clypeastroid in appearance. It is impossible to ascertain the fossil alliances, as the genus which is so well defined in the Recent fauna admits of half a dozen well-marked genera in the fossil faunas. Arachnoides Loveni, nobis. This Cainozoic species is distinct from the recent forms A. placenta and A. zelandice described by Gray ; for it has deeper incisions at the Q. J. G. S. No. 129. p