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124 LoN L. Swift threshed, they to notify the said party of the second part within a reasonable time before harvest for either hay or grain, and the party of the second part is to abide by such notice. The parties of the first part reserve all rights to pasture upon said lands after harvest, the said party of the second part hav- ing no right to use said lands for grazing or pasture at any time or at all during this lease. The said party of the second part agrees to grub and clear all of said land and to remove all brush and all surface rock therefrom, the said rock to be piled in separate heaps at convenient places upon said land off the tillable land, the grubbing and clearing applying only to plow lands that are suitable for cultivation. All summer fallow is to be plowed by June ist of each year and harrowed and worked down by July ist of each year, and harrowed as often as necessary to keep down weeds and vegetation from July ist to September 15th of each year of summer fallow when fall plowing shall commence. All summer fallow is to be kept clear of vegetation and harrowed each month if necessary to keep weeds and vegetation down. All fences are to be put in good repair by the parties of the first part at the commencement of this lease, and the same are to be sO' main- tained by the party of the second part during this lease, and all stock are to be kept off such lands at all times except the stock belonging to the parties of the first part. All summer fallow is to be prepared and worked as herein described at the end of this lease and upon which no crops have been raised for the year in which lease expires shall be measured and paid for at the rate of $2.00 per acre by the parties of the first part to the parties of the second part. All new land broken and put to crops $2.00 per acre also. All hay and straw is to be properly stacked and taken care of, and all crops handled in the best approved methods. All wheat and barley is tO' be vitrioled before sowing and only clean seed sowed, and all seeding to be done by April ist of crop year. Two crops are to be raised in succession on new

land before summer fallowing, and thereafter summer fallowed----