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as to diet and pedestrianism, Heatherlegh dismissed me, as brusquely as he had taken charge of me. Here is his parting benediction, "Man, I certify to your mental cure, and that's as much as to say I've cured all your bodily ailments. Now, get your traps out of this as soon as you can; and be off to make love to Miss Kitty." I was endeavouring to express my thanks for his kindness. He cut me short. "Don't think I did this because I like you. You've behaved like a blackguard all through. A d—d blackguard. But, all the same, you're a phenomenon and as queer a phenomenon as you are a blackguard. No!"—checking me a second time—"not a pie. Go out and see if you can find the eyes, brain, and stomach business again. I'll give you a lakh for each time you see it."

Half-an-hour later I was in the Mannerings' drawing-room with Kitty—drunk with the intoxication of present happiness and the foreknowledge that I should never more be troubled with It's hideous presence. Strong in the sense of my new-found security, I proposed a ride at once; and, by preference, a canter round Jakko. Never had I felt so well, so overladen with vitality and mere animal spirits as I did on the afternoon of the 30th of April. Kitty was delighted at the change in my appearance, and complimented me on it in her delightfully frank and outspoken manner. We left the Mannerings' house together laughing and talking; and cantered along the Chota Simla road as of old.

I was in haste to reach the Sanjowlie Reservoir and there make my assurance doubly sure. The horses did their best, but seemed all too slow to my impatient mind. Kitty was astonished at my boisterousness, my ceasless laughter and speech. "Why, Jack!" she cried at last, "you are going on like a child? What are you doing." We were just below the Convent, and from sheer wantonness I was making my Waler plunge and curvet across the road as I tickled it with the loop of my riding whip. "Doing," I answered; "nothing, dear. And that's just it. If you'd been doing nothing for a week except lie up you'd be, saving your presence, child, as 'beany' as I.