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officers, and the flowers of his troops, and the entire division engaged was practically rendered incapable of resuming operations in the field. Ten days afterward he abandoned the struggle in despair, by throwing up the command. His successor, General Smyth, reported that he found his force diminished by more than two thousand men in consequence of the defeat, half this loss having been caused by desertion. Several of the militia regiments had to be actually disbanded in consequence, and the men still remaining in camp allowed to return to their homes. A letter written from Manlins, N. Y., on the 3rd of November, contains the dismal accununt ‘‘that the militia corps on the lines have dwindled, and are dwindling to mere skeletons, some of the companies containing a less number of privates than officers. The rifle corps from this county is reduced by sickness, prisoners, etc., to less than the complement of a company, and Major Moseley in consequence has returned home.”

Besides the field-piece already mentioned, and about a thousand stand of small arms, the colors of one of the New York regiments were taken. In November this trophy was displayed in the courtyard of the castle of St. Louis at Quebec, and is thus described by the Mercury:—‘‘It is made of blue or purple-colored changeable silk about a yard and a half square, with the arms of the United States on one side and those of New York on the other, both surrounded by a circle of stars.”

Note.—The companies of Rowe and Hamilton engaged in this battle, being the flank companies of the 2nd Lincoln battalion, were formed from among the residents of the townships of Stamford, Thorold and Willoughby. The following copy of the original muster-rolls of these companies will not be devoid of interests to many of the present inhabitants of this county:—

‘‘We the non-commissioned officers and privates belonging to Captain John Rowe’s company of the second regiment of Lincoln militia do sincerely promise and swear that we will be faithful and bear true Allegiance to His Majesty, King George, and him will defend to the utmost of our power, against all traitorous conspiracies and attempts, whatsoever, which shall be made against His Person, Crown, or Dignity, and we will do our utmost endeavours to disclose, and make known to His Majesty, His Heirs, and Successors, all treasons and traitorous conspiracies, or attempts which we shall know to be against him or them. So help us God.

  • William Silverthorn,
  • Stephen Peer,
  • William Coan,
  • Stephen Barber,
  • Jonathan Conklin,
  • Wareham Johnson,
  • William Biggar,
  • Ebenezer Skinner,
  • John Pearson,
  • Jonah Hovey,
  • Isaac Hovey.
  • John Kalar,
  • John Sutton,
  • Benjamin Sutton,
  • Colin McCallum,
  • Aaron Sutton,
  • Hugh Hagerty,
  • Conrad Sider,
  • James Baird,
  • Edward Durham,
  • James Thompson.

Sworn before me at Chippawa, 4th Sept., 1812, Thomas Dickson, J. P.


  • William Rawles,
  • Harman Pruyn,
  • Martin Anderson,
  • Paul Weaver,
  • Frederick Near,
  • Gabriel Smith,
  • Robert Frelick,
  • Thomas Bald,
  • Charles Anderson,
  • Jacob Schram,
  • William Snart,
  • James Ostrander,
  • Adam Bowman,
  • John Dorshimer,
  • Thomas Bloomfield,
  • Philip Bettes,
  • A. Upper, Lieut.,
  • Joshua Robins,
  • Adam Dennis.

Sworn before Thomas Cummings, J. P., 6th of October, 1812.

  • Daniel Davis,
  • Thomas Cain,
  • Reuben Green,
  • Francis Pettas,
  • Peter Bastedo,
  • Benjamin Babcock,
  • John Gallopain,
  • Willian Agler,
  • Robert Hopkins,
  • Richard Griffith,
  • Henry Millar,
  • Christian Mester,
  • James Slaght,
  • Elijah Johnson,
  • John Camplin,
  • Henry Stammack,
  • Arthur McIntosh,
  • Antoine Edmetter,
  • Louis Blanchette,
  • William Gilmore,
  • Caleb Hopkins,
  • Este Mack,
  • John Thomas,
  • Dongald McLachlan,
  • Job M. Layton,
  • Phineas Moulton.

Sworn on the 29th of August, 1812.

  • Robert Watterhouse,
  • Thomas Fortin,
  • William Thomas,
  • Andrew Neville,
  • Jonathan Doan,
  • Adam Killman,
  • John Williams,
  • John Lutz,
  • Robert Willson,
  • Abraham Teaters,
  • Moses Gilmore,
  • Cornelius Johnson,
  • James Ryan,
  • Jacob Vanderburgh,
  • John Christler,
  • John Scott,
  • Andrew Willson,
  • Mathias Gruvick,
  • George Marlatt,
  • Loyal Davis,
  • John Kelly,
  • Obadiah Swayze,
  • Hiram Swayze,
  • Darius Williams,
  • H. Vanalstine,
  • C. Vanderburg,
  • Phineas Smith,
  • Frederick Glans,
  • Thomas Lodge,
  • Perry Loucks,
  • George Bill,
  • Gilbert VanWyck,
  • B. Humphreys,
  • John Bowman,
  • Calvin Cook,
  • John Howell,
  • James E. Wood,
  • Alvin Silverthorn,
  • James Scott,
  • Peter Bowman,
  • Nathan Arnold,
  • John Morrison,
  • David Pierson,
  • John Skinner,
  • Peter B. Dewitt.

Sworn on the 4th of Sept., 1812.

  • John Carl,
  • John Smith.

Sworn on the 12th Oct., 1812.