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Selections from Cassell & Company's Publications.

Laundry Work (How to Teach It). By Mrs. E. Lord. 6d.

Laws of Every-Day Life. By H. O. Arnold-Forster. 1s. 6d.

Little Folks' History of England. Illustrated. 1s. 6d.

Making of the Home, The: A Book of Domestic Economy for School and Home Use. By Mrs. Samuel A. Barnett. 1s. 6d.

Map-Building Series, Cassell's. Outline Maps prepared by H. O. Arnold-Forster. Per Set of Twelve, 1s.

Marlborough Books:—Arithmetic Examples, 3s. Arithmetic Rules, 1s. 6d. French Exercises, 3s. 6d. French Grammar, 2s. 6d. German do. 3s. 6d.

Mechanics and Machine Design, Numerical Examples in Practical. By R. G. Blaink, M.E. With Diagrams. Cloth, 2s. 6d.

"Model Joint" Wall Sheets, for Instruction in Manual Training. By S. Barter. Eight Sheets, 2s. 6d. each.

New Poetry Readers, Cassell's. Illustrated. 12 Books, 1d. each; or Complete in One Vol., cloth, 1s. 6d.

Object Lessons from Nature. By Prof. L. C. Miall, F.L.S. 2s. 6d.

Popular Educator, Cassell's NEW. With Revised Text, New Maps, New Coloured Plates, New Type, &c. To be completed in 8 Vols. 5s.each.

Popular Educator, Cassell's. Complete in Six Vols., 5s. each.

Readers, Cassell's "Higher Class." (List on application.)

Readers, Cassell's Historical. Illustrated throughout, printed on superior paper, and strongly bound in cloth. (List on application.)

Readers, Cassell's Readable. Carefully graduated, extremely interesting, and illustrated throughout. (List on application.)

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Reader, The Citizen. By H. O. Arnold-Forster. Illustrated, 1s. 6d.

Reader, The Temperance. By Rev. J. Dennis Bird. Cr. 8vo, 1s. 6d.

Readers, The "Modern School" Geographical. (List on application.)

Readers, The "Modern School." Illustrated. (List on application.)

Reckoning, Howard's Anglo-American Art of. By C. Frusher Howard. Paper covers, 1s.; cloth, 2s.

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Science of Everyday Life. By John A. Bower. Illustrated, 1s.

Shade from Models, Common Objects, and Casts of Ornament, How to. By W. E. Sparkes. With 25 Plates by the Author. 3s.

Shakspere's Plays for School Use. 5 Books. Illustrated. 6d. each.

Shakspere Reading Book, The. Illustrated. 3s. 6d.

Spelling, A Complete Manual of. By J. D. Morell, LL.D. 1s.

Technical Manuals, Cassell's. Illustrated throughout:

Handrailing and Staircasing, 3s. 6d.—Bricklayers, Drawing for, 3s.—Building Construction, 2s.—Cabinet-Makers, Drawing for, 3s.—Carpenters and Joiners, Drawing for, 3s. 6d.—Gothic Stonework, 3s.—Linear Drawing and Practical Geometry, 2s.—Linear Drawing and Projection. The Two Vols. in One, 3s. 6d.—Machinists and Engineers Drawing for, 4s. 6d.—Metal-Plate Workers, Drawing for, 3s.—Model Drawing, 3s.—Orthographical and Isometrical Projection, 2s.—Practical Perspective, 3s.—Stonemasons, Drawing for, 3s.—Applied Mechanics by Sir R. S. Ball, LL.D., 2s.—Systematic Drawing and Shading 2s.

Technical Educator, Cassell's. Revised Edition. Four Vols., 5s. each

Technology, Manuals of. Edited by Prof. Ayrton, F.R.S and Richard Wormell, D.Sc., M.A. Illustrated throughout:—

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Test Cards, Cassell's Combination. In sets, 1s. each

Test Cards, "Modern School," Cassell's. In Sets, 1s. each

CASSELL & COMPANY, Limited, Ludgate Hill, London.