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Fred. I think not, as well as I can see from here. May I come where I can see better?

Kit. Mabel would let you, but I don't think I should.

Fred (siting beside her). Play you are Mabel, then. Do you know, I am really very fond of Mabel—I feel quite inclined to play the devoted brother of Mabel—as Sammy Smith. (Leans forward to kiss her; Miss Griffin appears suddenly from behind screen, C.; Kittie screams; tableau.)

Miss G. Sammy Smith! What does this mean? (Sternly.) Katherine Goldthwaite, is this your brother or your cousin? (Points to him dramatically.)

Kit. Oh—it—it's—Mr. Olney.

Miss G. (to Fred). Are you her cousin?

Fred. No, ma'am. But—

Miss G. That's enough! (To Kittie.) I told you to come to me at six. As you failed to appear, I came here for you. And very glad I am that I did so. You forgot my note, it seems. (Both start.) I will speak to you, Mr.—Olney, and the other young man first. Katherine, go into that room till I send for you. (Exit Kittie, R.; Fred crosses, R.)

Miss G. Now, sir, what have you to say for yourself, and where is your partner in this disgraceful affair, and the other misguided girl?

Fred. I—I really don't know, ma'am. But if you will allow me to go I think I can find them. (Enter Charlie and Gladys, L., looking happy.)

Char. (seeing Miss Griffin, who is back towards him. Aside to Gladys). Oh, there she is, dressed up as the old lady again. Well, have you made it up yet, Kit? You make up as a fine chaperon, anyway, old lady—quite out-griffin the Griffin. (He goes up to Miss Griffin, throws his arm around her neck, and kisses her heartily. Miss Griffin screams, turns about. Consternation of all. Enter Kittie, R.)

Miss G. What does this mean—adding insult to injury! Sir! Approach me again at your peril. Why, are you all raving crazy? Girls, girls, what does this mean? How could you? (Weeps in handkerchief.)

Kit. (taking one of her hands). O Miss Griffin! If you would only listen. (She is pushed away.)

Gla. (taking other hand). We can explain it all, really.

Miss G. (pushing her away). Explain! This is beyond explanation. It cannot be explained.

Char. Oh, yes, it can, ma'am, indeed. I am Sam—Charlie Goldthwaite, and I am Kittie's brother. (Takes Gladys's hand.)

Fred. And I am Frederic S. Olney, Miss Griffin, a Harvard senior. I can prove that too, and Gladys's cousin. (Takes Kittie's hand.)

Kit. Yes, Miss Griffin, and it is only they to whom we have been writing.