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1. My God, my only good, would that I had always loved Thee.

2. My God, I abhor the time when I loved Thee not.

3. How could I ever live so long without Thy holy love?

4. And Thou too, my God, how couldst Thou suffer me so long?

5. My God, I give Thee thanks for Thy great patience.

6. But I will love Thee now for ever.

7. I had sooner die than love Thee not.

8. Take from me my life, my God, if I am not to love Thee.

9. This grace I beg of Thee, my God, ever to love Thee.

10. Blessed shall I be, my God, with Thy most holy love.

Gloria Patri, &c.

1. My God, fain would I see Thee loved.

2. Thrice happy me, could I but shed my blood that all might love Thee.

3. Blind is he who loves Thee not.

4. My God, give me Thy holy light.

5. There is no woe but not to love Thee, sole and chief Good.

6. My God, let me never be one of those wretched blind ones who love Thee not.

7. My God, be Thou my joy, my good, my all.

8. Fain would I be wholly Thine for ever.