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Prayer - "PIETATE TUA."

Pope Leo XII., of holy memory, granted

i. FORTY DAYS' INDULGENCE to all faithful Christians every time they devoutly recite the following prayer, and

ii. THE INDULGENCE OF 100 YEARS AND AS MANY QUARANTINES, provided it be said every Saturday for a month; as appears by a Rescript in his own hand, dated July 9, 1828, deposited in the Archivium of the sacred Vatican Basilica.


Pietate tua, quæsumus Domine, nostrorum solve vincula peccatorum, et intercedente Beata, semperque Virgine Dei Genitrice Maria, cum Beatis Apostolis tuis Petro, et Paulo, et omnibus Sanctis nos famulos tuos, et loca nostra in omni sanctitate custodi : omnes consanguinitate, affinitate, ac familiaritate nobis conjunctos a vitiis purga, virtutibus illustra ; pacem et salutem nobis tribue ; hostes visibiles, et invisibiles remove; carnalia desideria repelle; aerem salubrem indulge; amicis et inimicis nostris charitatem largire; Urbem tuam custodi ; Pontificem nostrum N. con serva; omnes Prælatos, Principes, cunctumque Populum Christianum ab omni adversitate defende. Benedictio tua sit super nos semper ; et omnibus Fidelibus defunctis requiem æternam concede. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.


Loosen, O Lord, we pray Thee, in Thy pity, the bonds of our sins, and by the intercession of the blessed Mary, ever Virgin Mother of God, the blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, and all saints, keep us thy ser-