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i. Plenary, once a month, to all who, every day, at the sound of the bell, morning, noon, and even at sunset, shall say on their knees daily the Angelus Domini, &c., with Ave thrice.

ii. 100 days, every time that, being truly penitent, they say the Angelus Domini, as above.

N.B.—These Indulgences are not suspended in the Holy Year of the Jubilee. The Angelus Domini is to be said standing, every Sunday in the year, beginning from first Vespers, that is, Saturday evening; in Paschal-tide the Regina cœli, &c., is said instead standing, with its proper V., R., and prayer; those, however, who do not know the Regina cœli may obtain the same Indulgences by saying the Angelus Domini as above. Religious of both sexes, or others who live in community, if they cannot say the Angelus Domini or Regina cœli at the sound of the bell as aforesaid, by reason of their being engaged upon some work prescribed by their rule or constitution, may obtain the above-named Indulgences, provided that immediately on the conclusion of their respective duties they say the Angelus Domini or Regina cœli. Moreover, the faithful who happen to be dwelling where there is no such bell, may obtain the above-named Indulgences if, at the hours specified or thereabouts, they say the Angelus Domini, or Regina cœli, according to the season.

V. Angelus Domini nuntiavit Mariæ.
R. Et concepit de Spiritu Sancto.


V. Ecce ancilla Domini.
R. Fiat mihi secundnm verbum tuum.
