Page:Race distinctions in American Law (IA racedistinctions00stepiala).pdf/358

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                      | | | | Previous Residence in— | | |
State or Territory. | Citizenship. | Age. | Sex. +———-+———————+—————+ Payment of Taxes. | Ownership of | Educational Test.
                      | | | | State.| County. | Precinct.| | Property. |
Wyoming[110] |Citizen of U. S. |21 yrs. |Male or|1 yr. |60 da. |10 da. | | |Able to read Constitution
                      | | |female.| | | | | |of State in English.
Alaska[111] |Citizen of U. S. |21 yrs. |Male. |1 yr. |6 mo. in | | |To be voter in |
                      |or alien who has | | | |corporation. | | |municipal election, |
                      |declared intention.| | | | | | |one must own |
                      | | | | | | | |substantial property |
                      | | | | | | | |interests in the |
                      | | | | | | | |municipality. |
Arizona[112] |Citizen of U. S. |21 yrs. |Male. |1 yr. |30 da. |30 da. | | |
Hawaii[113] |Citizen of U. S. |21 yrs. |Male. |1 yr. |3 mo. in | | | |Able to speak, read
                      | | | | |representative| | | |and write English or
                      | | | | |district. | | | |Hawaiian.
New Mexico[114] |Citizen of U. S. |21 yrs. |Male. |6 mo. |3 mo. |3 mo. | | |
Philippines[115] |Native of |23 yrs. |Male. | |6 mo. in | |Annual tax of |Owner of property |Able to speak, read
                      |Philippines. | | | |district. | |$15 paid. |assets at $250. |and write English or
                      | | | | | | | | |Spanish.
Porto Rico[63] |Citizen of Porto |21 yrs. |Male. |1 yr. | | | | |
                      |Rico. | | | | | | | |