sense or nonsense is not the question. So long as they denounce with fierceness, and declaim with volubility, they are credited with all knowledge and become leaders of the people! This is the history of the rise of these puffing demagogues, and sad as it is, men are not ashamed to follow a Finlen shouting Reform, which he at least could soon find to his heart's content for his peculiar social and domestic virtues in the nearest House of Correction. The influence obtained by such men will necessarily be exerted for their own purposes. Secretaries and Delegates must live, and Trades unions must support them, and exist for this purpose if for no other.
One reason why Democracies have never answered hitherto is, that their founders, well intentioned men, have never estimated in their balance this great thing—human nature. They seem to have always taken an optimist view of things—to have fancied that noble and patriotic men would always be rushing to shed their blood, or spend their lives for their country—that their fellow countrymen would always be so discerning as to choose men of ability, virtue, and excellence for their leaders, and that such men would always be the embodiments of self sacrifice and self denial! In no other way can we account for the great blunders of Democracies hitherto, which have proved just the reverse—that the best men do not come to the front—that the noblest talent is not enlisted in the service of the state—that wherever salutary checks are withdrawn, and strong incentives