secured popularity and place! As Mr. Bright said, we should have had two bites at our cherry in 40 years!! When our so called Liberal friends were made to swallow the cherry at once, were there no wry faces?
I maintain the Liberal professions of Reform were deceptive and conceived for the sole purpose of party aggrandizement.
Again take the question of Free Trade. If Free Trade be good for one thing it is good for another; and surely in the race of life, the gifts of God are not to be checked and hampered by tyrannical restrictions, which enslave individual character, induce poverty and suffering, fetter capital and labour, and injure national wealth.
The revelations of the Sheffield and Manchester atrocities, whilst they arouse our indignation, excite our wonder, that no Radical leader (except Mr. Roebuck who will most probably lose his seat for it) has fearlessly denounced such things and pointed out that these Protectionist Trades unions are utterly at variance with the principles of Free Trade.
But Radicals and Liberals are professedly the especial friends of the poor and working man!
During the long period of Liberal power, what member of the party has proved his claim to the title? Our wretched tenements, our miserable poor, our social curses and the ignorance of our lower classes with all its attendant evils, remain as abundant proof of