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plates, 3·45 cms. high and 1 cm. apart, were placed in a vertical plane and insulated on paraffin blocks. One plate was charged to a high potential by means of an influence machine, and the other was connected with earth. The active matter was placed in a narrow groove cut in a lead plate parallel to the copper plates and placed midway between them. The photographic plate, enveloped in black paper, was placed horizontally above the plate containing the active substance. The large and diffuse pencil of rays thus obtained was deflected by the electric field, but the deviation amounted to only a few millimetres and was difficult to measure. The method finally adopted was to place vertically above the active matter a thin screen of mica, which cut the field into two equal parts. Thus, in the absence of an electric field, a narrow rectangular shadow was produced on the plate.

When the electric field was applied, the rays were deflected and a part of the pencil of rays was stopped by the mica screen. A shadow was thus cast on the plate which showed the direction of deviation and corresponded to the least deviable rays which gave an impression through the black paper.

If a particle of mass m, charge e, and velocity u, is projected normally to an electric field of strength X, the acceleration α is in the direction of the field, and is given by

α = Xe/m.

Since the particle moves with a constant acceleration parallel to the field, the path of the particle is the same as that of a body projected horizontally from a height with a constant velocity and acted on by gravity. The path of the particle is thus a parabola, whose axis is parallel to the field and whose apex is at the point where the particle enters the electric field. The linear deviation d_{1} of the ray parallel to the field after traversing a distance l is given by

d_{1} = (1/2)(Xe/m)(l^2/u^2).

On leaving the electric field, the particle travels in the direction of the tangent to the path at that point. If θ is the angular deviation of the path at that point

tan θ = eXl/(mu^2).