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curves of absorption are given in Fig. 35. For the purpose of comparison in each case, the initial current with the bare active compound was taken as 100. A very thin layer of the active substance was used, and, in the case of thorium and radium, the emanations given off were removed by a slow current of air through the testing vessel. A potential difference of 300 volts was applied between the plates, which was sufficient to give the maximum current in each case.

Curves for the minerals organite and thorite were very nearly the same as for thoria.

For comparison, the absorption curves of the excited radiations of thorium and radium are given, as well as the curve for the radio-elements uranium, thorium, radium, and polonium. The [Greek: alpha] radiations may be arranged in the following order, as regards their power of penetration, beginning with the most penetrating.

Radium } excited radiation.

The same order is observed for all the absorbing substances examined, viz., aluminium, Dutch metal, tinfoil, paper, and air and other gases. The differences in the absorption of the [Greek: alpha] rays from the active bodies are thus considerable, and must be ascribed either to a difference of mass or of velocity of the [Greek: alpha] particles or to a variation in both these quantities.

Since the [Greek: alpha] rays differ either in mass or velocity, it follows that they cannot be ascribed to any single radio-active impurity common to all radio-active bodies.

100. Absorption of the [Greek: alpha] rays by gases. The [Greek: alpha] rays from the different radio-active substances are quickly absorbed in their passage through a few centimetres of air at atmospheric pressure and temperature. In consequence of this, the ionization of the air, due to the [Greek: alpha] rays, is greatest near the surface of the radiating body and falls off very rapidly with the distance (see section 98).