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have seen that this emanation gives rise to an active deposit. The results obtained up to this stage are shown diagrammatically below.

            [/]α particle [/]α particle
            / /
           / /
Radium atom ——> atom of Emanation ——> ATOM OF ACTIVE DEPOSIT

218. Analysis of the active deposit from radium. We have seen in chapter VIII that the excited activity produced on bodies, by the action of the radium emanation, is due to a thin film of active matter deposited on the surface of bodies. This active deposit is a product of the decomposition of the radium emanation, and is not due to any action of the radiations on the surface of the matter.

The curves showing the variation of the excited activity with time are very complicated, depending not only upon the time of exposure in the presence of the emanation, but also upon the type of radiation used for measurement. The greater portion of the activity of this deposit dies away in the course of 24 hours, but a very small fraction still remains, which then changes very slowly.

It will be shown in this chapter that at least six successive transformations occur in the active deposit. The matter initially produced from the emanation is called radium A, and the succeeding products B, C, D, E, F. The equations expressing the quantity of A, B, C,. . . . . . present at any time are very complicated, but the comparison of theory with experiment may be much simplified by temporarily disregarding some unimportant terms: for example, the products A, B, C are transformed at a very rapid rate compared with D. The activity due to D + E + F is, in most cases, negligible compared with that of A or C, being usually less than 1/100000 of the initial activity observed for A or C. The analysis of the active deposit of radium may thus be conveniently divided into two stages:

(1) Analysis of the deposit of rapid change, which is mainly composed of radium A, B, and C;

(2) Analysis of the deposit of slow change, which is composed of radium D, E, and F.