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form a system of some slight stability. The two products resulting from the disintegration would probably be present in unequal proportion, and, unless they gave out different kinds of rays, would be difficult to separate from each other.

261. Life of radium. Since the atoms of the radio-elements are continuously breaking up, they must also be considered to be metabolons, the only difference between them and metabolons such as the emanations Th X and others being their comparatively great stability and consequent very slow rate of change. There is no evidence that the process of change, traced above, is reversible under present conditions, and in the course of time a quantity of radium, uranium, or thorium left to itself must gradually be transformed into other types of matter.

There seems to be no escape from this conclusion. Let us consider, for example, the case of radium. The radium is continuously producing from itself the radium emanation, the rate of production being always proportional to the amount of radium present. All the radium must ultimately be changed into emanation, which in turn is transformed through a succession of stages into other kinds of matter. There is no doubt that the emanation is chemically quite different from radium itself. The quantity of radium must diminish, to compensate for the emanation which is formed; otherwise it is necessary to assume that matter in the form of emanation is created from some unknown source.

An approximate estimate of the rate of change of radium can easily be made by two different methods depending upon (1) the number of atoms of radium breaking up per second, and (2) the amount of emanation produced per second.

It has been shown experimentally (section 93) that 1 gram of radium at its minimum activity expels 6·2 × 10^{10} α particles per second. The heating effect of radium and also its volume agree closely with calculation, if it is supposed that each atom of each product in breaking up emits one α particle. On this supposition it is seen that 6·2 × 10^{10} atoms of radium break up per second.

Now it has been shown experimentally (section 39) that one cubic centimetre of hydrogen at standard pressure and temperature contains 3·6 × 10^{19} molecules. Taking the atomic weight of radium