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the simple case of a negatively charged electron revolving round an atom of mass relatively large but having an equal positive charge and held in equilibrium by electrical forces. This system will radiate energy, and, since the radiation of energy is equivalent to motion in a resisting medium, the particle tends to move towards the centre, and its speed consequently increases. The rate of radiation of energy will increase rapidly with the speed of the electron. When the speed of the electron becomes very nearly equal to the velocity of light, according to Lodge, another effect supervenes. It has been shown (section 82) that the apparent mass of an electron increases very rapidly as the speed of light is approached, and is theoretically infinite at the speed of light. There will be at this stage a sudden increase of the mass of the revolving atom, and, on the supposition that this stage can be reached, a consequent disturbance of the balance of forces holding the system together. Lodge considers it probable that, under these conditions, the parts of the system will break asunder and escape from the sphere of one another's influence.

It seems probable that the primary cause of the disintegration of the atom must be looked for in the loss of energy of the atomic system due to electro-magnetic radiation (section 52). Larmor[1] has shown that the condition to be fulfilled in order that a system of rapidly moving electrons may persist without loss of energy is that the vector sum of the accelerations towards the centre should be permanently zero. While a single electron moving in a circular orbit is a powerful radiator of energy, it is remarkable how rapidly the radiation of energy diminishes if several electrons are revolving in a ring. This has recently been shown by J. J. Thomson[2], who examined mathematically the case of a system of negatively electrified corpuscles, situated at equal intervals round the circumference of a circle, and rotating in one plane with uniform velocity round its centre. For example, he found that the radiation from a group of six particles moving with a velocity of 1/10 of the velocity of light is less than one-millionth part of the radiation from a single particle describing the same orbit with the same velocity. When the velocity is 1/100 of that of light the amount of radiation

  1. Larmor, Aether and Matter, p. 233.
  2. J. J. Thomson, Phil. Mag. p. 681, Dec. 1903.