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narrow strip of metal with a gold-leaf attached. The strip of metal was fixed to the upper rod by means of a small sulphur bead. The upper rod was connected with a sulphur condenser with an Exner electroscope B attached to indicate its potential. The gold-leaf system was initially charged to the same potential as the upper rod and condenser by means of a fine steel wire which was caused to touch the gold-leaf system by the attraction of a magnet brought near it. The rate of movement of the gold-leaf was measured by means of a microscope provided with a micrometer eye-piece. By keeping the upper rod at a slightly higher potential than the gold-leaf system, it was ensured that the loss of charge of the gold-leaf system should not be due in any way to a conduction leakage across the sulphur bead.

Fig. 104.

The method employed by Wilson in these experiments is very certain and convenient when an extremely small rate of discharge is to be observed. In this respect the electroscope measures with certainty a rate of loss of charge much smaller than can be measured by a sensitive electrometer.