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The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists

have been very glad if they could have put the means of earning a living within the reach of every man who was willing to work; but they simply did not know what to do, or how to do it. They could not be ignorant of the reality of the evil they were 'dealing with'; appalling evidences of it faced them on every side; and as after all these committee men were human beings and not devils, they would have been glad to mitigate it if they could have done so without hurting themselves.

One evening during the time that distress was most acute a meeting was held in the drawing-room at 'The Cave' by certain of the 'Shining Lights' to arrange the details of a Rummage Sale to be held in aid of the unemployed. It was an informal affair, and while they were waiting for the other luminaries, the early arrivals, Messrs Rushton, Didlum and Grinder, Mr Oyley Sweater, the Borough Surveyor, Mr Wireman, the electrical engineer who had been engaged as an 'expert' to examine and report upon the Electric Light works, and two or three other gentlemen, all members of the Brigand's Band, took advantage of the opportunity to discuss a number of things they were mutually interested in which were to be dealt with at the next meeting of the Town Council. First, there was the affair of the untenanted Kiosk on the Grand Parade. This building belonged to the Corporation, and Mr Grinder, as Managing Director of The Cosy Corner Refreshment Company, was thinking of opening a high-class refreshment lounge, provided the Corporation would make certain alterations and let the place at a reasonable rent.

Another item which was to be discussed at the Council Meeting was Mr Sweater's generous offer to the Corporation respecting the new drain connecting 'The Cave' with the town main.

The report of Mr Wireman, the electrical expert, was also to be dealt with, and after that a resolution in favour of the purchase of the Mugsborough Electric Light and Installation Company Ltd. by the town was to be proposed.

In addition to these matters several other items, including a proposal by Mr Didlum for an important reform in the matter of conducting the meetings of the Council, formed subjects for animated conversation between the brigands and their host.