Page:Raising the wind, or, Habbie Sympson & his wife baith deid (2).pdf/3

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wha seeing Janet sae pitifu' lukin', she says, “Keep us a' the day, are thaire onie thing wrang at hame, that ye hae come here sae sune in the morning?" "Wrang!" quo' Janet, (dichitin' her een wi' the tail o'her apron,) "a's wrang the gither, my leddie; is na oor Habbie deid?" "Habbie deid!" quo' the lady, in surprise. "A weel a wat is he," quo' Janet," an a sair trial it is to me, leddie, for thaire no as muckle in the house this morning as wowd feid a sparrow; an' whaur to get onything, I'm sure I dinna ken. Oh deir! oh deir! that ever it should come to this o't," Compose yoursel Janet," quo' the leddie," and come yer was ben an' we's see what ean be dune" Sae in gangs Janet wi’ the leddie, an' gets a basket wi'some biscuits and speerits, an' uther articles needfu' for sie an occasion; an'thanking the leddie for her kindness, comes awa hame to Habbie fu' blithelie; whan doune they sat; nor did they rise till they made an end to the contents o' the basket. Noo, as the auld sang sings, the mair ye drink, the drier ye turn, for they were nae sunner dune, than Habbie says, "Losh Janet, that was real guid; can ye no get some mair o't. “Na, na," quo' Janet, "I hae played ma part; it's your turn noo." "Oh! very weet,' quo' Habbie, “ if it's my turn noo, ye maun jist be deid next." “Od, I hae nae objeetions,' quo' she; sae' awa ye gang and let us see what ye can dae.' Weel, awa gangs Habbie, and meeting the Laird jist coming hame frae a hunting partie, he says, “this is a fine day, Laird.” "A fine day, Habbie," quo' the Laird: "hoo is a' wi' ye? are ye no coming