Page:Ralcy H. Bell - The Mystery of Words (1924).pdf/53

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Faculty of Speech and Speech-Centers

This area contains the mechanism for giving forth words orally and in writing, as well as speech-signs and gestures. The center lies in another part of the brain cortex closely related to the areas which start the muscular movements of articulation; and it is contiguous to the region that governs the movements of the hands. This small body of gray matter is located, as we have seen, in the convolution of Broca. Every spoken and written word depends on the integrity of this little body which, when injured in adult life, renders it difficult for the will to utilize the corresponding body in the opposite hemisphere—after middle life it virtually is impossible.

These areas of the brain which harbor the faculty of speech do not originate our words any more than paper and type originate them; but like paper and type the sensory areas register the incoming words, and like a phonograph the motor-areas discharge the outgoing words. Therefore, of the mind all words are