Page:Ralcy H. Bell - The Mystery of Words (1924).pdf/63

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Faculty of Speech and Speech-Centers

Such inference would be incorrect, however, because some persons, in no sense inferior to the others, have their speech-faculties as exclusively located in the right hemisphere as the large majority of folk have in the left, Therefore one must look elsewhere than in original structure, composition, relationship, etc., for the reason why the faculty of speech became localized in one side of the brain—usually the left.

Originally the brain is uniform of structure throughout in apelike man and manlike ape. No part of it is endowed with the faculty of speech. The mind of apelike man begins to feel the need of language. It is more and more pressed by necessity. The instrumentality of words becomes an imperious need at some epoch in time—at some phase of evolution—at some peak of change—on some plane of development—or at some state of consciousness. This need becomes a necessity in the early stages of human development. The birth of language now can not