Page:Ralph Connor - The Sky Pilot.djvu/49

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It was Hi Kendal that announced the arrival of missionary. I was standing at the door of my school, watching the children ride off home on their ponies, when Hi came loping along on his bronco in the loose-jointed cowboy style.

"Well," he drawled out, bringing his bronco to a dead stop in a single bound, "he's lit"

"Lit? Where? What?" said I, looking round for an eagle or some other flying thing.

"Your blanked Sky Pilot, and he's a beauty, a pretty kid—looks too tender for this climate. Better not let him out on the range." Hi was quite disgusted, evidently.

"What's the matter with him, Hi?"

"Why, he ain't no parson! I don't go much on parsons, but when I calls for one I don't want no bantam chicken. No, sirree, norse, I don't want no blankety-blank, pink-and-white complected