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Ralph Connor's Tales


A Tale of the Lumbermen of the Ottawa

12mo, Cloth, $1.50

"As straight as a pine, as sweet as a balsam, as sound as a white oak."—The Interior.

"A legitimate successor to "The Sky Pilot" and "Black Rock," which secured him the swift fame that leaps to the author who strikes a new and effective note."—The Literary Digest.

"His men are sturdy giants of the forest, whose power breathes from every word of the narrative. Leaves one's nerves tingling long afterward."—Tribune, Chicago.

"The material is magnificent in its contrasts and opportunities. Ralph Connor is a man to keep in mind as one of the most virile, faithful and wholesome writers of the day."—Public Ledger, Philadelphia.


A Tale of the Ranchmen of the Foothills

12mo, Cloth, Illustrated, $1.25

"As Rare as a White Blackbird"

"Ralph Connor's "Black Rock" was good, but "Sky Pilot" is better. The matter which he gives us is real life; virile, tender, humorous, pathetic, spiritual, wholesome. His style, fresh, crisp and terse, accords with the Western life, which he understands."—The Outlook.


A Tale of the Miners of the Selkirks

12mo, Cloth, Illustrated, $1.25

"Stirs the Blood like Bugle Calls to Battle"

"With perfect wholesomeness, with exquisite delicacy, with entire fidelity, with truest pathos, with freshest humor, he has delineated character, has analyzed motives and emotions, and has portrayed life."—St. Louis Globe-Democrat.