Page:Rambles on the Golden Coast of New Zealand.djvu/110

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Hardinger Peak, was visible, whilst to the south lay the rocky road around and over which we had travelled for the last few days.”

Between this point and the valley at the West Wanganui are the rivers Awaruatoa, Anaweka, Tuimahui-hui, Paturau, and Hapu, all fordable under ordinary circumstances. On the north bank of the latter river there is a limestone range some 1200 ft. high, densely clothed with forest, and which it is necessary to cross before reaching the picturesque West Wanganui Inlet. From thence comparatively easy travelling can be made to Collingwood, or if the traveller so desires, he may visit Cape Farewell and the Sandspit, conspicuous points in the coast scenery to travellers by steamer, either to or from Nelson.