Page:Rambles on the Golden Coast of New Zealand.djvu/212

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The proprietors are in a position to execute orders to the extent of 2500 tons of coal weekly, 60 tons of coke, 150 to 200 tons of fire-clay, tiles, etc., and 50 tons of lime, within the same time. They have obtained the highest awards for the above products at the Sydney, Melbourne, and New Zealand International Exhibitions. The coke is admittedly the best manufactured in England or Australia. The fire-clay gas retorts from this mine have been used in the Dunedin, Nelson, Wanganui, Hokitika, Greymouth, and Bendigo gas works, and have given the utmost satisfaction.

The ships owned by Messrs Kennedy Brothers are the s.s. “St Kilda,” s.s. “Maori,” p.s. tug “Dispatch,” barque “Pelham,” barquentine “St Kilda,” brigantine “Eliza Firth,” brigantine “Anthons,” and schooner “Cora.” The firm have branches at Dunedin, Lyttelton, Christchurch, Wellington, Wanganui, Waitara, and Melbourne, with the head office at Greymouth. In addition to the fleet above named, they have hulks of large storing capacity at Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin. They are therefore enabled, not only to mine, but to carry and sell their own coal throughout the Colony and in Australia. Besides, as I have stated, their own tonnage only does a fraction of their carrying. They are owners of the local tug-boat, and for vessels arriving in ballast the low charge of 2s. per ton register is made, which includes the towage inwards and outwards.

With the contemplated improvement to the harbour and means of shipping coal, under the new Harbour Trust, steam colliers of large tonnage will, no doubt, be shortly employed in the trade. It is confidently believed, that within a few months’ time, the proprietors of the Brunner Mine will be able to put 1000 tons per day on the market when the demand for that quantity arises.

I cannot close this portion of the chapter without saying, that the rich reward which is now in a fair way of being reaped by the proprietors of this mine is fully deserved, as it is the outcome of individual courage, energy, and perseverance, and a just recompense for industry and integrity. Mr James Bishop, the present mine manager and engineer, is also entitled to a meed of praise, as it is greatly owing to his capability and efficiency that the mine and works, generally, have, within the last two years, made such rapid progress.

Other Companies.

The Coal Pit Heath Company’s lease of 770 acres adjoins that of the Brunner Mine on the west side, the boundary being about 150 yards lower down the river than the entrance to the Brunner Mine. There is little or no difference in the quality of the coal. The entrance is by a shaft 300 ft. deep, which is worked by a 35 h.-p. engine. The seam averages nearly 16 ft. in thickness. The yielding capacity is, like that of the Brunner Mine, practically unlimited. This mine is capable of an output of 150 to 200 tons per day of eight hours. Were demand sufficient an output of 600 tons in 24 hours could be obtained. This company’s coke has likewise been favourably reported on by various iron founders in this Colony and in Victoria. The directors of this company contemplate