Page:Ramtanu Lahiri, Brahman and Reformer - A History of the Renaissance in Bengal.djvu/192

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was established, with a Director of Public Instruction at its head, and a body of functionaries, called Inspectors of Schools, to help him. In different places Normal Schools to train teachers were established; and the country became studded with Government and Government-aided high, middle, and vernacular schools.

Amidst these changes and improvements, Babu Ramtanu passed his time at Uttarpara, zealously and conscientiously discharging his duties. He modelled many a mind afterwards noted for its intellectual and moral excellence. Those who had learnt at his feet here in youth, deeply impressed with the nobility of his character, and attracted by his winning manners, showed their esteem and love for him when he was no more in the world by putting up in the Uttarpara School a tablet with the following inscription: —

This tablet to the memory of Babu Ramtanu Lahiri is put up by his surviving Uttarpara School pupils as a token of the love, gratitude and veneration that he inspired in them while Headmaster of the Uttarpara School from 1852 to 1856 by his loving care and by his sound method of instruction, which aimed less at the mere imparting of knowledge than at that supreme end of all education, the healthy stimulation of the intellect, the emotions and the will of the pupil, and above all by the example of the noble life he led.

Born, December, 1813; died, August 1898.