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The Mistress of the House

ful of the propriety of further explanation to a stranger. "I—I belong here," she added simply. "This is my home."

"Yes; I supposed as much; you are Miss Noreen Harwood?"

Her blue eyes widened, her hand grasping more tightly the back of the chair.

"Yes," she admitted. "You knew my father?"

"Slightly; enough to be aware of the existence of his daughter, and that this was his plantation."

"Then you must be connected with the garrison at Charleston?"

"No, Miss Harwood; I belong to the Army of the Potomac, and am here only on recruiting service. A word of explanation will make the situation clear, and I trust may serve to win your confidence. I do not have the appearance of a villain, do I?"

"No, or I should not remain parleying with you," she responded gravely. "The war has taught even the women of this section the lesson of self-protection. I am not at all afraid, or I should not be here alone."

"It surprises me, however, that Major Harwood should consent to your remaining—"

"He has not consented," she interrupted. "I am supposed to be safely lodged with friends in Lewisburg, but rode out here this afternoon to see