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The Red Mist

silence which followed, we heard below us the sudden sound of struggle, a muffled voice calling for mercy, the shuffling of feet, and the noise of a body being hauled forward across the floor. Then someone ran along the hall, passing just beneath us.

"What have you found, Kelly?" It was Anse's voice roaring out the question. "Ah! the old fox dug out of his hole, hey! Now see here, you canting old Baptist hypocrite. What kind of a trick is it you are playing on me? Stand him up there boys, against that rail. Stop your howling, or I'll smash you one in the face. Where did you find the fool, Jack?"

"Locked in a closet yonder; looks like it might be the girl's room."

"Locked in?"

"He sure was, an' no key. We hed to bust in the door ter git at him."

"He had locked himself thar?"

"I reckon not; leastwise thar want no key thar, an' none in his pocket. The darn fool is too skeered ter talk yet."

"Well, I'll make him, er else thar'll be a dead preacher in 'bout a minute. I reckon as how I'll do as much skeering as anyone. Now, Nichols, ye see thet ! Whut the devil wus yer doing in thet closet?"

"They—they done put me thar, Anse."